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The Bible is like the ocean: shallow enough for a child to play safely but so deep scholars can never reach its depths.

This book presents an comprehensive view of Old Testament history as a foundation for reading in context and continued study. It provides three high-level overviews as well as more detailed perspectives, including events, books, and characters divided into eight time periods. Using a literal interpretation of the scriptures, the central theme of the Bible (God building His kingdom) unveils from the two-part promise made to a man: (1) "I will make of you a great nation" and (2) "in you all of the families of the earth shall be blessed," setting the stage for the Nativity.

The book includes the following sections:

  • Three Overviews:
  1. One-Page History of the entire Old Testament
  2. Biblical Timeline, including other world events in context
  3. Simple Biblical Geography
  • Eight Time Periods:
  1. Introduction
  2. Abraham and Isaac
  3. Jacob and Joseph
  4. Moses
  5. Joshua and the Judges
  6. Samuel, Saul, and David
  7. Solomon through the Captivity
  8. Restoration and 400 Years of Biblical Silence
  • An Epilogue with twenty sections highlighting overarching lessons, including idolatry, the high places, the heart, a loving God, and the characteristics of God, among others.
  • An Appendix includes the differences in the four primary versions of the Old Testament, a BC timeline, and the lineage of Jesus, among others.

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