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"When tyranny seeks to crush the innocent beneath its heel, honorable people who love freedom cannot turn a blind eye. You may try to hide behind your justifications, but who would blame someone for protecting his house and family from an intruder? What would we think of someone who walked out the door meekly and left everything because of a trespasser’s demands? For that is what you are, an intruder and a trespasser, treading without conscience on the rights and properties of others. Were it not for your perverted use of an instrument honorable Idors created for peace and security, you would be in your proper place, standing trial for crimes against all Goraz. Regardless of what you may have won this day, you forever will be known as a murderer and traitor. Nothing you can do will change that now."

The Amulet: some consider the prophecy a folk-tale evolved from suffering people in need of hope, a crutch for those not strong enough to face reality; others regard it a sacred promise of a means to defeat the growing shadow of Goraz and its tyrannical ruler. Too many know nothing of the significance, forced to survive in a culture that has declined into its own dark ages. Fewer still know of the Scrolls of the Ancients and their promised revelations regarding the history of a land that has lost its past. However, racial distrust and hatred are common facts of life disputed by no one, regardless of their education or social standing; the original reasons are unknown to most, but those who remember the betrayals will never forgive let alone forget.


Somewhat smaller than Australia, Mortica is an island continent once dominated by eight independent city-states and sixteen tribes of forest dwellers. Three races occupied the lands with a fourth in the forests over six epochs with varying dominating themes: (1) The Forest-Dwelling Álves (853 years), (2) The Great City-States (1,076 years), (3) The Technology of the Caretaker (661 years), (4) The Revolutionary Hunta (391 years), (5) The Evil Reign of Hissaren (381 years to date), and (6) The Anticipated Freedom by the Amulet.

The banner above represents the history of Mortica: (1) the city-state of Goraz, (2) the city-state of Fonecia, (3) the Chamber Room of the Ancients, (4) the Penetration & Heat Beams, (5) the Scrolls of the Ancients, (6) Wintor’s Alcove, (7) the Amulet, and (8) current-day Mortica.