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“I did not just give them my assistance; I gave them part of me. The Shieldlets are not mere metal, but part of who I am…or was. I am less powerful today because I gave of myself to protect them, and for what? You know that Goblins and Trolls could never have entered this land with the Shieldlets in place. No, those foolish Kings lost one of them; all four were necessary for complete protection.”

The large area shown below became the settlement of mythical creatures after they were overwhelmed by increases in the Human population elsewhere. In years past, racial injustice was prevalent, spanning from acknowledged social outcasts to actual genocide. Living atop the Triple Peaks, the Sorcerer Myrddin saw potential in those undesired among the different races and established a great social experiment: Artesia. Still, the kingdom has never been without enemies, complexities, and struggles, mostly caused by the evil Enchanter Necrom and a great dragon living at Widow’s Keep, but also to a lesser degree by Trolls and Goblins, natural enemies without question, and the sometimes hostile neutrality of the Dwarfs.

While all Humans live in the Artesian Kingdom, there is also a northern forest (with relatively supportive Elves) and the Troll Mountains, which besides their namesake have southern tunnels occupied by Goblins and northern mines inhabited by Dwarfs. Giants reside on vast areas of farm land to the northeast while Farm Gnomes operate predominantly in the southwest. Fairies dwell in a large marsh area to the east.

These books are serial in nature with each leading to the next in completing a mosaic covering hundreds of years.  The banner above represents the history of the region: (1) the Elves were the first to establish a specific area of residence, claiming the entire forest as their domain; (2) Rutilus Manor (later renamed Widow’s Keep after the dragon partially destroyed the castle) was the initial residence of Humans who stumbled into the region while fleeing oppression from their homeland; (3) after deciding to remain in the region, Myrddin established his home above the Triple Peaks; (4) the original Artesian Coat of Arms reflected symbols for the Sorcerer and his friend; (5) after leaving Artesia in disgrace, Necrom stole Dwarf Tower for his dwelling; (6) the Artesian Coat of Arms changed when Myrddin instituted the kingdom’s unique dual-king monarchy; (7) Artesia completed the construction of ten satellite manors surrounding the ruling castle Glen Airy; (8) the current Artesian Coat of Arms resulted from Myrddin’s supreme personal sacrifice to the land, the gift of the four Shieldlets; and (9) the current layout of Artesia amidst the surrounding lands.